《地之願‧天之舞》印度古典舞蹈奧迪西天后Sujata Mohapatra台北初舞台 (11/15)
如果您對印度古典舞蹈的印象是百花爭艷的華麗群舞,且讓奧迪西(Odissi)獨舞天后Sujata Mohapatra帶您回到神廟之舞(Temple Dance)的原點──祭神獨舞。當陣陣腳鈴聲隨著優美的樂聲響起,舞者是介於天地之間的傳達者,且看Sujata如何以婀娜多姿的人體美學藝術征服舞台,帶您進入如夢似幻的印度神話世界。
地點:台鐵演藝廳(台北車站 東二門 5F)
最新訊息請上FB「Sujata Mohapatra台北公演」粉絲專頁!!
《“Earth and Heaven” Odissi Soloist Sujata Mohapatra’s Taipei Tour》
If your impression of Indian classical dance is colorful group dance, let Odissi soloist Sujata Mohapatra take you back to the origin of temple dance, traditionally danced in solo as an offering to the Gods. When the dancer’s foot bells ring along with the music, she is the messenger between the earth and the heaven, let’s aboard the enchanted world of Indian mythology with Sujata Mohapatra through her perfect movements.
Apart from Odissi, the program also features innovative ethnic music presented by the collaboration of musician Alex Wu from EJ Music and singer Mia Hsieh from A Moving Sound. Don’t miss this classical yet innovative event that takes you on a fantastic journey of visual and sound from earth to heaven!
When:19:30 P.M., Friday, November 15, 2013
Where:Taipei Railway Station Recital Hall (5F, East 2 Gate, Taipei Main Station)
For the latest information:
如果您對印度古典舞蹈的印象是百花爭艷的華麗群舞,且讓奧迪西(Odissi)獨舞天后Sujata Mohapatra帶您回到神廟之舞(Temple Dance)的原點──祭神獨舞。當陣陣腳鈴聲隨著優美的樂聲響起,舞者是介於天地之間的傳達者,且看Sujata如何以婀娜多姿的人體美學藝術征服舞台,帶您進入如夢似幻的印度神話世界。
地點:台鐵演藝廳(台北車站 東二門 5F)
最新訊息請上FB「Sujata Mohapatra台北公演」粉絲專頁!!
《“Earth and Heaven” Odissi Soloist Sujata Mohapatra’s Taipei Tour》
If your impression of Indian classical dance is colorful group dance, let Odissi soloist Sujata Mohapatra take you back to the origin of temple dance, traditionally danced in solo as an offering to the Gods. When the dancer’s foot bells ring along with the music, she is the messenger between the earth and the heaven, let’s aboard the enchanted world of Indian mythology with Sujata Mohapatra through her perfect movements.
Apart from Odissi, the program also features innovative ethnic music presented by the collaboration of musician Alex Wu from EJ Music and singer Mia Hsieh from A Moving Sound. Don’t miss this classical yet innovative event that takes you on a fantastic journey of visual and sound from earth to heaven!
When:19:30 P.M., Friday, November 15, 2013
Where:Taipei Railway Station Recital Hall (5F, East 2 Gate, Taipei Main Station)
For the latest information:
《 奧迪西獨舞天后Sujata Mohapatra簡介 》
出身於奧迪西舞的故鄉──東印度奧里薩邦,Sujata自幼習舞,自一九八七年師承已故奧迪西宗師Kelucharan Mohapatra,並成為他的媳婦。在一代宗師十八年的精雕細琢之下,Sujata練就出一身優雅的舞技,是中生代奧迪西舞者最閃亮的一顆星,被印度文化關係委員會(ICCR)評為頂尖舞者,經常受邀至印度各地及海外演出,包括加拿大、英國、美國、比利時、義大利、馬來西亞、日本、俄羅斯等地。
奧迪西獨舞天后Sujata Mohapatra除了經常到世界各地巡迴演出,推廣奧迪西舞,同時擁有奧里薩文學碩士學位的她也致力於教學傳承,目前與夫婿Ratikant Mohapatra共同任教於公公Kelucharan Mohapatra創立的知名奧迪西舞蹈學院Srjan。
《 大師營課程資訊 》
《 Sujata Mohapatra’s Odissi Workshops 》
Don’t miss Sujata Mohapatra’s special Odissi workshops in Taipei this Fall. Come and explore the beauty of Odissi.
Special Beginner’s 3-Hour Workshop (NT$2,000)
15:00~18:30, 11/16
Basic Odissi elements, including mudras, feet positions, gati's (movements of animals etc) and rasa (emotion through abhinaya using the facial expressions, hand gestures and body movements).
Namo Devi Class (Four 2-Hour Lessons, NT$6,800)
19:00~21:00, 11/10~12, 11/16
Dance item for dancers with basic Odissi knowledge (Tribangi and Chouko #1~10). A beautiful mangaracharan piece dedicated to Goddess Durga Stuti. The song says: I bow to you Namo devi, who is the wife of Shiva who has many different manifestations, who has the power of Mother, power of strength, and power of peace.
Tolaagi Class (Four 3-Hour Lessons, NT$11,000)
15:00~18:00, 11/10~12, 11/17
Abinaya dance item for Odissi dancers who has learnt at least two items. Tolagi means "for you everything is closed, do not enter again." It is a poem written by Gopala Krishna, where Radha is complaining about Krishna that in the past he has done so many mischievous acts which always bother the village women of Gopapura including Radha. Krishna is banned from entering the village of Gopapura.
*Price above is for lessons only, music sold separately.
*20% discount for students attending ALL classes above and complete payment before 10/7.
*10% discount for students complete application and payment before 10/7.
Further inquiry, please contact: sujata.taipei@gmail.com
[Location for workshops]
"Taipei Philharmonic Foundation for Culture and Education", Long-cheng Branch
台北愛樂文教基金會 龍城分館
4F., No.39, Ln. 190, Guangfu N. Rd., Taipei City